We’ve recently discovered that this Denver channel uses this one female multiple times for false stories for the mormon cult. So we’re calling them all out on this scam. robyn hurd is the same female that went on air lying about our event and company. She also goes by the name robyn ross. So she’s a relative of the kathryn ross in the article below. In her lie on us she praised our competitors ( the lights fest, who obviously sent her to buy entry, and is a member of lds). So she goes on the news lying for others and this “news” channel uses her multiple times for stories. She’s made the same false claims under the anon screen name “Iwillputyououtofbusiness” So she can’t get caught, so she thought.
robyn did not inquire once about vendors or food, her two kids were attending with her, yet she did not inquire if we had any vendors or food that would have peanuts included in its ingredients so either her claim her child is allergic to peanuts is as false as her claims on us, or she thought she’d pull the same scam on us. Most of our parents who bring kids with food allergies email and ask about the vendors and food. As a mother myself I can’t imagine making a dog responsible for my child’s health and safety when it’s my responsibility no one else’s. How does the denver news pass up a child neglect story like that?
The event the Denver channel is speaking of was rescheduled due to severe weather, as 9 tornados ripped through that day. Had we continued with the event, there would have been a disaster, and a reason to run a story. The Denver channel/CBS is one of many companies owned by lds. while robyn lied on LOA she promoted the actual company that continues to scam people on a daily basis, the lights fest, aka the lights fest scam owned by a lds member colin larsen, and silent partner david knight of their scam, and illegal kickback company “one world lantern” aka water lantern festival, aka one world. You can read all about them in another blog.
Had this event went on LOA would have been is serious legal trouble for purposely putting attendees lives in danger, and possibly for deaths caused by not rescheduling, but the cult lapdog cbs isn’t going to tell you that.
#thedenverchannel #lizgelardi
So hurd/ross is also behind all the comments and posts on reditt under the id Key_advertising_758
We’ve been told that robyn ross aka robyn hurd dox’d a child under a fake name as well, that fake name was “levi quackenboss”, like pretending we’re a scam because we have to safeguard against our competitors, she claimed the child she dox’d, Walgreens, and Ashton Kutcher had a conspiracy going over the vaccines. If you search up robyn ross which is what her name is on her admission pass, not robyn hurd, and the above fake name you will see. Regardless of what your views are on a vaccine, you shouldn’t ever dox a child to be harassed but as you can see this female likes to lie on people.
The denver news should do a story on her doxing a child. That would be real news!!
After threats of a defamation lawsuit brought BY us against the news woman, we were informed that “news persons” at news stations, and other media no longer write their own stories, nor do they fact check what they’re given to them by their stations editors to go on tv and lie about. So everything you see on the news is written by the company editor, and no work is done to verify anything they’re saying. We no longer have journalists we have bad actors pushing lies to the public for the mormon cult who are the ones who created media in the first place.
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