Safety & Security
Violence has increased at events, and in general all over the country, especially through event crashing. To help keep our events, LOA Event Staff, and attendees safe, we have to move back to not sharing the location publicly, and until close to event day, and we require the following information to attend:
- REAL First & Last Names
- REAL Age
- REAL Address, including house number, street name city and state. Mailing addresses are not allowed
Information cannot be changed once submitted so look over what you list in the form to make sure its current and correct. Minors 17 and under, must have a parent attend with them! You must be 18 years old to purchase entry!
To be eligible to attend you must NOT have any type of connection to our competitors or to anyone who does.
we also screen to keep out violent offenders, sex offenders, drug dealers, human or sex traffickers, convicted thieves, those on terror watch lists, etc.
You can read more on our security here
Please Read Our Anti Fraud/Bullying Policy here
Our events are located on large PRIVATE cleared land where our sky lanterns do not fly off of. We do NOT need approval nor a permit to release sky lanterns on private property when they do not fly off of the property. If an event is held on public property, then obviously we’ve been given approval to hold the event. We advertise the largest city close to our location, but events are not held in that city as we don’t release sky lanterns in city limits or close to unless the city has requested we hold an event there specifically.
Sky Lantern releases are weather dependent; they cannot be released in winds higher than 5-10 for our locations, no rain, extreme heat, storms, hurricanes, flash flooding, flooding, during wildfires, burn bans, gov lockdowns, or natural disasters like what happened in North Carolina. In these instances, events will be rescheduled, or suspended until ability to be rescheduled. In instances we cancel an event and do not plan to reschedule the event, only then are refunds issued. If for some reason venues are changed we will never move it more than 30 minutes – one hour away if needed, and will only be done if the events security is at risk. If you do not want to risk a reschedule, please exit the page and do not purchase tickets.
Those who purposely purchase entry to commit any crimes during events, or to falsely dispute your charge will be criminally prosecuted for fraud and theft, etc.
We’ve recently discovered that fire departments, which are heavily made up of lds followers, who have falsely claimed the uk bans sky lanterns and festivals when they don’t, have attempted to use a fire code that DOES NOT apply to sky lanterns used by lantern festival companies to help lds hold a monopoly on the event as churches are excluded from their code, so it’s not legal to attempt to enforce. The UK allows sky lantern festivals and Light The Night and Glow Lantern Festival are going international with events. LOA will not be holding international event. The code trying to be used pertains to gas fueled homemade lanterns.

What You Can Bring
- Chairs or Blanket to set on.
- Cash for Vendors.
- Admission Pass.
- Parking Pass.
- Real ID Drivers License
Real ID Requirement Info
Due to a large amount of individuals sent by our competitors using fake names, we are now requiring everyone to prove they are who they say they are, by having the new permenant REAL ID. Passports will not be accepted! Loa’s founder has had a real id since 2018 so we’re not asking anything we’ve not done already. All team members also have them. This was implemented when one of those sent to use fake names to get our events location, used a name close to the unibombers, and then used his military position with the air force as an excuse for doing it. We’ve also banned all individuals in the military as cautionary after such, and after learning how many are connected to our competitors. This decision was not taken lightly when making.
LOA’s family is full of military, in all branches so this is disheartening to see it begin to fall in this manner.
This applies to adults only since parents are required to attend with those 17 and younger.